Early child development, school preparation, foreign languages, creative Studio for all family members, and physical development for children and adults, organization of children‘s holidays
General information:
Child development center Little Genius was created in 2012 and now 3 year Center teachers successfully implement the main task - the comprehensive development of preschool children.
Little Genius works for babies from 6 months to 12 years and their parents, offering a range of classes and programs for every taste. All classes are held in the form of a game.
The benefits of the Child development center Little Genius:
- Teachers. All of the Children‘s center staff has a degree in teaching. So the children do receive extensive training in various disciplines, and not just having a good time.
- Warmth and comfort. All areas of Children‘s development center "Little Genius" is equipped specifically for children. At the Center of a vast material resources, many developing and role - playing toys. 3DES monitor the cleanliness, daily kvartsevanie rooms, airing and wet cleaning, cleaning with a steam cleaner, so children get sick less frequently than in kindergartens and other centers.
- Safe. 100% Your child‘s safety - video surveillance, security. Random people won‘t come in here and kids can‘t go outside.
For parents comfortable lounge area (waiting) where you can drink tea/coffee, use the free WI - FI zone, read books about child development or simply flip through a fashion magazine.
"Little Genius" (the centre of harmonious development) in Zaporozhye "Little Genius" (the centre of harmonious development) in Zaporozhye "Little Genius" (the centre of harmonious development) in Zaporizhia
Group "Scarce" from 6 to 12 months
Classes are held along with her mother (or another adult), because next to her mother, the child will feel more confident and less stressful.
Each lesson includes several activities: Greetings; Familiarity with the environment; Outdoor games; Development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, perception, imagination); the Development of fine motor skills; Development of vision;
Finger gymnastics; Physical block; Creativity; good-bye.
Course objectives:
- Adaptation to kindergarten (development of communicative skills, playing with peers).
- The basics of etiquette and rules of conduct.
- The development of speech ( logaritmica and breathing exercises, phonemic hearing, onomatopoeia).
- Development of fine motor skills (finger games, lacing, mazes, blocks, construction sets, etc.).
- Sensory development (color, size, shape, feel).
- Development of mental processes (perception, memory, attention, development of skills of self-control, reduce impulsivity)
Developmental gymnastics (development of gross motor skills, ball games, tapes, climbing, jumping, mirroring poses, etc.).
- Music (musical greeting, improvised movement, dance, dancing).
- Development of creative abilities (drawing, application, modeling, subject-specific and role-playing games).
- Familiarity with the first math (the concept of "one-many", "up", "down", compare by length, height, width, familiarity with shapes, numbers).
The development of ideas about the world.
Group "Lyubopyshki" from 1 year to 2 years
In the classroom:
- develop it (get acquainted with children‘s literature, fairy tales);
-develop intellectual skills (master the concept of color, shape, size, counting, learning sounds);
- develop creative skills (finger paint, modeling, Akasaka);
- develop musical abilities (dancing, games, dances);
- learn to communicate and make friends, arrange a tea party and theme parties).
Group "Patristica" from 2 to 3 years
- Personal development of the child;
- Disclosure of cognitive and physical abilities of the child;
- Develop children‘s curiosity of independence, activity and initiative;
- Psychological adaptation and socialization.
The course program includes:
Intellectual development:
- language development, knowledge and understanding of the surrounding world;
- development of memory, attention, logic, mathematical concepts;
- development of tactile perception (playing with water, and bulk materials);
The development of musical abilities:
- familiarity with classical music;
- development of sense of rhythm;
- familiarity with musical instruments.
Development of creative abilities:
- modeling clay, dough, plasticine;
- drawing: watercolor, gouache, charcoal, pastel;
- doing managementyou, mastoplastica, modeling.
The group "Neposedy" from 3 to 4 years
Structure classes-Studio "fidget":
- the development of attention, memory;
- the development of thinking (cognitive action, the development of clearly – effective thinking, visual - figurative thinking, the development of logic);
- language development (enrichment of vocabulary, speech rhythm, articulation gymnastics is the development of coherent speech, games, dramatization);
- the formation of elementary mathematical abilities;
- development of orientation in space (orientation in the scheme of your own body and on paper);
- formation of constructive activities;
physical development (development of large and fine motor skills);
- musical development (musical instruments, dancing);
- development of creative abilities: drawing with markers, pencils, watercolors, finger paints, modeling, application, balagopalan).
Children who successfully complete the course Studio Neposedy are invited to the final gala class receive diplomas from the Studio and a subscription for training in the next age group.
A small number of children in the group (5-6 persons) allows to find an individual approach to each child.
"Little Genius" (the centre of harmonious development) in Zaporozhye "Little Genius" (the centre of harmonious development) in Zaporozhye "Little Genius" (the centre of harmonious development) in Zaporizhia
Preparing for school
5 to 7 years
The course prepares children for learning in school, communication in the school team, broadens the mind and gives the necessary skills.
The main purpose of training is to ensure that children have the ability to learn with joy and pleasure, self-reliance and sense of responsibility.
The structure of the classes preparing children for school must include:
1.Math unit
2.Learning to read
3.Work on syllabic structure of the word
4.Sound alphabetic analysis of words
5.Preparing hands to the letter
6.Graphic dictation
7.Formation of knowledge about the world
8.The development of speech
9.The development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, imagination and thinking)
10.Outdoor games
11.Massage pause with text and painted equipment
12.The development of a small motility of hands
Mini garden
"Mini Garden" open from 9.00 to 13.00
"Mini-Garden" – this is a great opportunity to immerse Your child into the fascinating world of lessons, games and socializing with peers.
All this time the child will be in comfortable conditions, in a specially equipped small group. During his stay in the group together with the children are always two experienced teacher (tutor). They help children to meet one another, organize to play together, support the child if it feels you are not yet confident.
In the visits included:
- Charging. Children need some exercise and play outdoor games, then to focus and not be distracted.
- Informative part. Learning the alphabet, numbers, tasks for development of all cognitive processes: attention, thinking, memory, etc.
- Game part. At this time children play games of interest.
- Fruit Breakfast. We offer kids to eat (juice, tea, biscuits, cakes, apples).
Logic. Pour, take, pour, construct (logical thinking, intellect);
Conversation. (familiarity with the environment, the accumulation and development of passive and active vocabulary, the training of will and attention, the baby is not easy to sit still);
- The creative part. Puppet theatre, crafts, appliques, drawings, etc.
English for kids
English for children 3-5 years
"ENGLISH is fun"
Every English class in the center of "Little Genius" is a fun, exciting game, which includes:
- fun and catchy English songs;
- finger games;
- moving games and role play;
- rhymes and rhyme in English;
- language games;
- games with cards;
the gymnastic minute;
- dramatizations.
The game allows the child to easily perceive and absorb the necessary information, promotes awareness and communication skills.
Change activities during the lesson, using fun games, fun, relaxed and friendly atmosphere promote children‘s interest in English and its further study.
English for children 5-7 years
"ABC English" (5 - 7years)
The English course is an English language game, English for communication, English – as a second home. With songs, exercises, dances, games, fairy tales, theatralisee English child enters the world of a foreign language easy and fun.
In the classroom, the following methods and techniques:
- Listening along with conversation provides communication in a foreign language.
Listening to songs, singing them to develop the skills of listening comprehension, increases vocabulary
- Grammar exercises necessary for proper construction of speech and develop automaticity for the expression of thought.
- Watching cartoons is one of the most effective methods of language learning. It promotes more rapid and efficient assimilation of the spoken language and phrases used in real life.
- Games-dramatization. Dramatization is very effective at the initial stage of training. Its task is to translate a given theme and storyline.
Classes are conducted using bright and colourful manuals published by Oxford, Express Publishing, as well as audio, designed specifically for each age group.
Speech therapist
The structure of the speech training:
• Articulation gymnastics is a complex of special exercises for development of muscles of the speech apparatus to prevent incorrect productions of speech sounds (starting from an early age children as a preventive measure) and to correct existing speech disorders of various etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms and the development of articulation patterns of the different groups of sounds (whistling, hissing, etc.)
• Production sound.
• Automation of sounds in speech.
• Differentiation of sounds in speech.
• The enrichment of vocabulary.
• The development of lexico-grammatical structure of speech.
• Development of phonemic hearing
Classes are held individually.
Consultation and sessions with a speech therapist last 30 minutes.
Examined: the Structure of the vocal apparatus; the pronunciation of sounds; Perception of sound; the child‘s Vocabulary; Memory; Attention; Fine motor skills; Connected speech.
Creative art "WATERCOLORS"
Drawing classes for children from 4 years individually or in groups.
The main goal of Studio art is the introduction of the child into the world is beautiful through familiarity with the works of nature and art, teaching the visual basic methods and techniques of:
• The development of figurative perception of the child(color, shape, size, texture, objects);
• Development of creative thinking;
• Cultivate the ability to self-realization and self-development;
• Development of fine motor skills;
• Training of attention and self-regulation during job execution.
Painting techniques:
- monotopia
- ornament
- lexography
- painting with cotton swabs
- coloured dressing
- painting with bubbles
Cooking school
For children from 4 years.
Cooking school for kids is a fun creative classes where kids can learn the basics of culinary skill.
Young chefs have the opportunity to:
Prepare your own hands first culinary masterpieces to Express individuality and creativity.
In addition, the children get really useful practical knowledge and skills that will help them in everyday life.
Physiotherapy and early massage
Early courses of massage and exercise therapy
Gymnastics for toddlers doctors prescribe and in normal development and in pathology. In both cases, the therapy for the newborn is usually massage and simple exercise.
Gymnastics for toddlers
with normal overall development and in the manifestation of diseases promotes:
- overall physical development;
- prevention of flatfoot;
- proper formation of the spine, extremities and the functions of the head and neck;
- development of all important reflexes;
- the normalization of gastrointestinal tract;
- maintaining a normal sleep mode;
- strengthen the immune system;
- keeping the baby‘s appetite;
- development of the brain and normal cognitive development.
- strengthen the nervous system.
Baby massage can help:
- To improve the baby sleep;
- To get rid of colic;
- To form the attachment;
- To cope with the pain the appearance of the teeth;
To help You and your baby to relax;
- To understand the signals Your baby;
Master class handicraft
The goal of the program is to create conditions for the development of the special indifferent attitude to the world and aesthetic relations, which are interwoven quality of moral, aesthetic and emotional beginning, his creative thinking and creative abilities.
Groups are recruited according to age, starting from 5 years of classes, 1 hour per week.
Children of the senior group engaged in 1.5 hours, lesson is in the form of games workshop.
The lessons of listening classical music. Develops memory, thinking, imagination, perseverance, diligence.
Offer the following equipment for lessons:
scrapbooking for children;
Aqua batik;
- flowers made of chiffon;
- mosaic of paper;
- Shamballa bracelets;
- iris folding;
- kanzashi;
- painting plaster figurines.
Come on, look forward to seeing You at our center!
Learn and understand the world while playing!
Educational games for kids
from 9 months to 4 years.
The best training in the best school for children
from 4 to 7 years.
We offer comprehensive development of the child:
- the development of attention, memory, imagination, motor skills;
- development of creative abilities of the child (modeling, fine arts, crafts, etc.);
- mathematics, logic, thinking;
- reading, speech development, Russian, Ukrainian and ENGLISH languages;
- psychogymnastics, speech therapy classes
and MUCH more.
- Assistance in teaching the younger classes.
For children and adults:
- assistance in stressful situations;
- individual work with a psychologist;
group psychological support;
- family counselling;
- psychological aid to children and adolescents;
psychological adaptation to school and kindergarten;
- correctional and developing work with children and adults with mental and physical developmental problems.
Club happy child "OWLETS"
Zaporozhye, box for donation highway 30V.
"Owlets" Educational classes for children from 1 year to 3 years is the basis for the development of your kid.
We Your children will be waiting for interesting
educational classes,
which include tasks to develop fine and gross motor skills,
study of the outside world, logaritmica,
lessons on exercise balls and massage the tracks
crafts, applications, drawings and much more))
Educational classes for children from 6 months to a year - course on "Baby", from 1 to 3 years - course is "Montessori", from 3 to 5 years - rate of Umka, from 5 to 7 years - course on "Preschooler".
For preschoolers: English,art Studio,baby gym,the world of fairy tales,rhythm.
For children:English,Spanish,French,drawing,balagopalan, skillful hands, fitness,Eastern dances.
The children‘s holidays and birthdays!!!
Also in our DTS you can leave the baby in babysitter (nanny for an hour).
Every child is a genius, we will help You to showcase his talent.