Giduv, counseling and diagnostic center of KSMA. Kazan, Russia

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Advisory-diagnostic center, Kazan state medical Academy of Minzdrav of Russia "gedow" for 1.5 years is having a highly qualified medical and Advisory-diagnostic help to the population.
In addition to paid medical services, in a Consultative and diagnostic center on a Pro Bono basis, regardless of place of residence is in the receiving population.
The Centre team - a real team of like-minded professionals. Consultations are conducted by highly experienced doctors, including professors of the medical Academy. You can schedule an appointment with an internist, a neurologist, an obstetrician-gynaecologist, gynaecologist, ENT doctor, surgeon etc.
Latest diagnostic equipment used in ultrasound, functional diagnostics of different pathologies allows to identify the most complex diseases in the early stages and to determine the tactics of treatment.
Priority and constant in the work of our Center remains the focus and respect for patients.


Tatarstan Republic
Kazan city

420061, str. Bari Galeeva, 6

tel. (843) 272-32-04
Actual on 01.01.2018