Company Vekont M is the General distributor of the Finnish manufacturer PRESSOVAC Oy in Russia and the CIS countries (the equipment for videoinspector, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems, air ducts and air conditioning systems), as well as the Spanish manufacturer with innovative technology TEGRAS to remove fat deposits in extract ventilation systems.
Professional equipment for cleaning and disinfecting ventilation systems in commercial, residential and industrial buildings, including industrial exhaust systems for industrial and food enterprises. Our clients are provided a full service, professional advice, comprehensive training plan (for free), marketing support, a full package of training materials and business documents, a special program to calculate the cost of work in cleaning and maintenance of ventilation ducts, their years of experience and quality guarantee the leading manufacturer in the global market.
We offer all the necessary equipment to help you create your own company for the inspection of air ducts, ventilation cleaning and air conditioning, as well as the removal of fatty deposits in the ducts.
Dezstantsiya "Daisy" provides a variety of services in the field of disinfection, deratization and disinfestation. Huge experience we have gained over the years in this field, to guarantee high performance and excellent results. We offer our services to individuals, companies and organizations of different ownership forms.
Dezstantsiya "Daisy" exists since 1999. During this time we have brought to market dozens of different services related to disinfection, deratization and disinsection of premises of different types.
To use the services of sanitary and epidemiological station "Daisy" can Muscovites and inhabitants of Moscow region. Mobile teams of our staff will arrive at any address to assist in the disinfection, disinfestation or disinsection.
Successful development of the system of PDS the rooms that are carried out in the presence of relevant project documentation: construction project, floor plans, etc., because the placement of the PDS the rooms that are performed, usually in areas of underground floors 1, 2 floors above ground. For each object the project is developed individually.
The stages of the project preparation section of the PDS the rooms that are
1.Development of design documentation is examined.
2.Development of specifications based on which you can pre-assess the installation costs.
For equipment, PDS the rooms that are given particular emphasis:
•obstacle rodents of access to places of storage of food;
•the limitation of possible nesting sites;
•overlap rodents paths between forage and nesting sites;
•providing minimum of probability of human contact.
Priority placement of PDS the rooms that are
Among the most important locations of the protective deratization system is isolated:
•the premises catering;
•technical rooms for various purposes;
•loading and landing stages;
•technological openings of the basement and industrial premises;
•warehouse and storage facilities;
•the storage area.
Category of premises in which the system of PDS the rooms that are not installed:
•areas with the pipeline or pipeline for the transportation of explosive products.
Design features
Turnkey project installation of protective deratization system necessarily takes into account all aspects of good work, including:
•The placement of PDS the rooms that are prepared for the safe operation of all components with possible flooding.
•All elements of the PDS the rooms that are connected in accordance with the technical documentation, ensuring proper installation. The power is supplied by III category of reliability, in accordance with the rules of electrical devices.
•Wiring between the designed elements of PDS the rooms that are usually open.
•To control the correct operation of the signals from the units may be transferred to the unified dispatcher service dry contact.
•When carrying out repairs or cleaning, or other activities, to make the application on each of the devices is a switch
Order designing the PDS the rooms that are You can contact the company GK OKS on the following contacts:
By phone: +7 499 343-86-95 or email
Full information about hardware, OSDSH OAKS presented on the website
Many stories told, many of the assumptions put forward, the same is true.
It all started back in 1996...When the head of State‘s office and nearby offices began to vandalize rats. Traditional methods to get rid of them did not succeed.
Concerned about the problem, the Chief sanitary doctor of the Moscow Kremlin appealed to the Chief sanitary doctor of Moscow with a complaint about rats in the building of the Kremlin.
That, in turn, decided to enlist the help of specialists of the Military engineering Academy. Kuybysheva.
Specialists conducted a series of tests and consultations with specialists-biologists and proposed solutions used in the First building of the Moscow Kremlin. The effectiveness of the system has proven its value, research activity in this direction continued. Conducted pilot experiments to study the behavioral characteristics of rodents, consultation on these matters with experts and the perseverance of the team in this direction gave a great result - rodents left the items one by one.
To test served the entire city, elements of the system were improved, equipment was acquired patents, a positive result only spurred obsessed with the perfectionism of the creators of the system until they "gasped" and said "We know all about rats! And can guarantee their absence!"
So, in 1999, there appeared a system of rodent control, later dubbed PDS the rooms that are - protective deratization system. Efficient, cost effective, easy to use and easy to handle.
Later was organized by OOO"PDS the rooms that are".
The company still conducts research activities and provides advanced engineering solutions. System PDS the rooms that are equipped more than 10,000 objects! It houses administrative buildings preschool and educational institutions, restaurants, shops, hospitals, shopping malls and stadiums. The geography of the company includes Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe and continues to expand.
LLC"PDS the rooms that are" also involved in the development and implementation of systems of ventilation, electric shock security systems new generation CCTV systems and fire alarm systems, the implementation of the dispatching.
Phone organizations on sanitation, LLC "PDS the rooms that are" +7 (499) 990-01-43
Of PDS the rooms that are (electric deratization) - a set of special electrical equipment designed for the implementation of engineering activities for protection from the rodents buildings, premises, communications, etc.
If the object already has rodents, the PDS the rooms that are actively interferes with their normal life and makes to leave the habitat or significantly reduces their numbers that has been proven in operation system, PDS the rooms that are.
Electric deratization is the active obstruction of attempts rodents to enter the protected objects by exposure to high-voltage pulsed current, which occurs at the approach of rodents at a distance less than 20 mm to the electric barrier installed on the paths of displacement (intrusion) of rodents for foraging and nesting.
The maximum efficiency of the system is guaranteed, provided proper operation, including proper connection, qualified staff and proper installation of the barrier element, in places of possible penetration of rodents.
Sanproektmontazh was the first organization in Russia received permission for the design section of the PDS the rooms that are! And we know all about rats!
OOO "SILVIA" offers You cooperation in the field of sanitary-and-epidemiological audit, which will create optimal working conditions in your company and save You from wasting your time and money.
We will provide You with the following services:
development of production control programs;
laboratory studies;
the destruction of insects, rodents, weeds and moulds.
disinfection of systems of ventilation and conditioning;
sanitary-epidemiological expertise;
certification of workplaces;
certification of works on labour protection;
wholesale and retail sale of disinfectants and medical equipment;
the calculation of the needs of the organization in disinfectants.
We provide a range of services that make life and work on the premises more safe and comfortable. Among them:
the destruction of different types of insects from cockroaches to wasps;
getting rid of rats and mice;
disinfection of premises;
neutralization of fungi and mold.