What we bring to this world?
Each of our team in life was the same the first Cup, after which the question arose – how of coffee beans could be such a multifaceted, complex flavor? This Cup completely broke the usual representation of coffee.
Our goal is to amaze each and every guest, to unlock the potential of coffee beans so that the drinking Cup is left in memory. We want to talk about the rate of our coffee.
We offer a selection of grain from different parts of the world - Latin America, Africa, Indonesia. This grain class specialty: its origins are transparent, the only way we can track down to the farmer in growing and processing uses only organic substances. It is important for us to know exactly what we brew.
We are grilling some corn on the laboratory gas roaster. It allows to roast coffee in small batches and experiment with taste. The roasting unit is located right in the coffee shop, the roaster may at any time conduct a tour and tell you about the grain.
On the technical side
Special attention is given to the equipment. LaMarzocco coffee machine gives you the clarity the settings and the stability of the quality, grinders, Anfim and Mahlkonig - uniform grind for any brewing method.
We know the pace of coffee, and I want you to meet him.