Centers of early development of Nizhny Novgorod

Centers of early development :

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AMAKids, Academy of mental arithmetic Nizhny Novgorod ...
Nizhny Novgorod, 603024, str. Dunaeva, 9

tel. 8 (831) 424-38-39

Invite children 4-16 years old! Discover the technology of development of interhemispheric connections of the brain for a free introductory lesson!

It seems incredible, but with this technique even kids of kindergarten age solve problems with three-digit numbers in mind. And quickly and correctly! However, the "salt" technique - not the skill of fast counting. This is just a useful side effect.
The main point of the lessons deeper mental arithmetic helps to train neural connections of the brain your child consistently develops the speed and quality of his thinking. And it requires very little involvement: one full lesson per week plus homework for 15 minutes a day.

Include both hemispheres
Mental arithmetic harmoniously develops both hemispheres of the brain. Left hemisphere – responsible for logic and high IQ, the ability to concentrate on task, memory and observation skills. Right hemisphere – gives high levels of creativity, intuition, imagination, faith, independence. Only the active involvement of both hemispheres helps to expand the intellectual and creative potential.

The modern system of education focused on the development of the left hemisphere, so most people it works better, they are good performers, responsible employees. And only a few lucky people use both hemispheres at the same time: be proactive, creative, inspirational figures and at the same time focused and alert. But that‘s the way to success, to a rich and joyful life.
Teaches mental arithmetic
Of course, parents bring their children to class not to learn to calculate faster calculator. The technique helps to solve the wide spectrum of tasks:
* instant account multi-digit numbers in mind
* quick learning of foreign languages (Professor Shichida writes about his disciples, speaking 20 languages)
* perseverance and self-discipline
* concentration training-photographic memory
* major savings of time and energy for school and homework
* increase academic achievement in all subjects
* the opportunity to enroll in a good school and a desired UNIVERSITY
* confidence in their abilities
* creative thinking
* training skill simultaneous solution of several tasks.

The workload of the class?
Sometimes parents complain that their children, and so the lugs are busy preparing for school or homework, tutor, music school, sports training And... something else (besides in the second half of the school year! in late winter at the peak of beriberi!) it seems the extra weight. If not one "but": mental arithmetic teaches the brain to "unload" and concentrate at the right moments, to optimize thought processes, to distribute the load, it is easy to do with multitasking.
Thus children are easier and faster to cope with their studies, save time and effort, they have confidence. In today‘s world this is a very important competitive advantage. And when you consider that the time of maturation of our girls and boys the world has only become more difficult, the more important it is to give children a good basis for a successful and happy life.

When is the best time to start?
The mental arithmetic lessons are held for children from 4 to 16 years. When is the best time to start is decided by the family, but the sooner the child will begin to engage, the more effective the process. This is because with age activity of neural connections is reduced, and their work has to recover. Neuropsychologists have long said about brain plasticity and we can develop it at any age, just kids with more plastic and "alive" neural structure will be easier to learn new skills.

Actual on 01.01.2018
Kinder Land
Nizhny Novgorod, 603034, ave. Lenina, 33, et. 5

tel. +7 (952) 442-44-33
Actual on 01.01.2018












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